Thats Not My Neighbor is a detective puzzle game. You are going to be the new janitor in this building when you are watching the tutorial video. Your job is to determine if the person who wants to enter the building is a monster. The monsters can transform into anyone and imitate them. Some monsters are not good at imitation and may develop flaws. You have no choice but to pay attention to the image of your neighbors. At the same time, remember to fill out checklists for each neighbor.
World of Alice Quantities
Letter Popping
Kingdom Castle Wars
Street Legends
Tie Dye Explosion of Color
Smash Fruits
Cute Monkey Mart
DIY Anime Doll Dress Up
Vampiric Roulette Romance
Zombie Royale Io
Adventure To The ice Kingdom
Gummy Letter Pop
Ski It
World of Alice Rocks Textures
Angry Dad Cute Baby
Mrs. Zombie
Tribal Twist
Princess Hair Makeup Salon
Pure Sky Rolling Ball
Poppy Playtime Chapter 3
Noob Race Against Time
Noob vs Hacker Gold Apple
Piano Hexa Fall
Crazy Town
Frog Jumper
Yoga Skill 3D
Skibronx Runner
Infinity Jump
BFFs Grunge Minimalist Fashion
Ropeway Master